Phases + Faces of Affordable Housing in LA is an exhibit for the Housing and Community Investment Department of Los Angeles (HCIDLA) to highlight all of the work they have done to help combat homelessness in al of the years of their existence, as well as bring awareness to the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles.
We began by creating panels that show all of the various facets of the work they do to help combat the problem, and then created a book as a leave behind, in addition to further having a record of all of the work the department has done.
This project was completed under the direction of Professor Paula DiMarco with myself as Project Manager and Clara Garcia as Art Director.

PHASES: This section of the project is the sum of all of the work the department has done.

FACES: This section of the project is the experiences and stories of various homeless peoples collected and photographed by David Blumenkrantz.




Intro & Mission/Vision: Xavier Oden
Recognition: Kyleigh Fontenot, Kyle Johnson, Arman Minasian, Xavier Oden
Palo Verde: Kyleigh Fontenot
Hollenbeck: Kyleigh Fontenot
Selma: LorrieJane Guinto, Xavier Oden
Gateway: LorrieJane Guinto, Xavier Oden
SRO Housing: Joseph Beaghan, Swaay Ordonez
Skid Row Housing: Giovanni Castaneda, Xavier Oden
People & Development: Manuel Doradea
Partnerships: Arman Minasian, Xavier Oden
Interactive: Cassandra Sanchez, Denna Madain, Xavier Oden
Timeline: Priscilla Vergara, Gabriela Alvarado, Marvin Medrano, Sue Won, Charmaine Castillo, Mei Zhao
Social Media: Naomi Goodman, Lilliana Del Cid, Emily Asprer, Samuel Garay, Jessica Martinez, Clara Garcia, Atieh Salemi, Gevorg Grigorian, Kyle Johnson
Posters/Invitations/Banners: Emily Asprer
Presentations: Humberto Sanchez
Documentation: Dalton Turner
Logo: Kyle Johnson
Art Book: Silvia Gomez, Kristine Giron
Recognition: Kyleigh Fontenot, Kyle Johnson, Arman Minasian, Xavier Oden
Palo Verde: Kyleigh Fontenot
Hollenbeck: Kyleigh Fontenot
Selma: LorrieJane Guinto, Xavier Oden
Gateway: LorrieJane Guinto, Xavier Oden
SRO Housing: Joseph Beaghan, Swaay Ordonez
Skid Row Housing: Giovanni Castaneda, Xavier Oden
People & Development: Manuel Doradea
Partnerships: Arman Minasian, Xavier Oden
Interactive: Cassandra Sanchez, Denna Madain, Xavier Oden
Timeline: Priscilla Vergara, Gabriela Alvarado, Marvin Medrano, Sue Won, Charmaine Castillo, Mei Zhao
Social Media: Naomi Goodman, Lilliana Del Cid, Emily Asprer, Samuel Garay, Jessica Martinez, Clara Garcia, Atieh Salemi, Gevorg Grigorian, Kyle Johnson
Posters/Invitations/Banners: Emily Asprer
Presentations: Humberto Sanchez
Documentation: Dalton Turner
Logo: Kyle Johnson
Art Book: Silvia Gomez, Kristine Giron